Our company is a reference point for the cultivation of legal hemp in Italy. For over 10 years we have been cultivating industrial hemp by selecting the best certified varieties with THC content less than 0.2% in full compliance with current regulations.

Our expertise in the field, together with the use of advanced cultivation techniques, allows us to obtain abundant hemp harvests with high quality standards. Our hemp fields extend over more than 100 hectares between Tuscany and Umbria, where the warm and breezy climate and fertile soils give life to lush hemp plants.

We only use certified seeds from the best breeders in Europe to guarantee the hemp varieties most suitable for our area and compliant with THC regulations. We cultivate them using certified organic farming methods, without the use of pesticides, herbicides or synthetic chemical fertilizers.

After harvesting, our hemp is processed using state-of-the-art machinery to obtain tops, flowers, oils, seeds and hemp fiber, which are then sold on the Italian and international market for the production of food, cosmetics, etc. The quality of our products derives from the deep knowledge of the hemp plant and the precision of our production methods.

This is why we are the reference point for legal hemp in Italy. From cultivation to processing, we produce the highest quality raw materials that bring the natural well-being of hemp all over the world.